Elucidate an Elementary Particle, Neutrino and Observe the Universe by Neutrino
Promote Gravitational Wave Astronomy with Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational Wave Telescope, KAGRA as a Part of World Gravitational Wave Observation Network
Explore the Universe at High Energies by Observing Gamma Rays, Very-High-Energy, Short-Wavelength Form of Electromagnetic Waves
Detect Air Showers Produced by Cosmic Rays (Charged Particles) to Search for Their Origins
Serch for Dark Matter Particles with World-Leading Experiments of Highest Sensitivity
Detect Electromagnetic Waves Whose Spectrum Ranges from Low Energies of Radio Waves to Mid-range Energies Found in Infrared, Optical (Visible) and Ultraviolet Light to Very Highest Energies of X-rays
Study Various High-energy Astrophysical Objects, which are Sources of Cosmic Rays, via Numerical Simulation and Theoretical Methods